1. What is the main reason you chose
I wanted to get away from home and have a fresh start on my own. But certain girls who graduate last year would say its because of them.
2. What has been your best college experience so far?
3. If you could recommend one 'must-have' for a dorm room, what is it and why?
A black out curtain for any time naps!
4. What do you do on your off days?
Days off? What are those?
When I’m not studying, or cleaning, you can usually find me with my teammates at the pool or having a dance party.
5. Pick one cartoon character that matches your personality, who and why?
Bugs bunny because he always causes trouble but he’s the life of the party.
6. What other sports have you played?
Softball and soccer….I learned that I really hated getting dirty.
7. What is your favorite holiday? Why?
Halloween!!!! Any excuse to get dressed up in costume sounds like a good time to me!
8. What song is most played on your iPod?
9. What is your best asset as a member of SLU Volleyball?
My constant intensity
10. If you were a tree, what tree would you be and why?
A Christmas tree because everyone loves Christmas! I would be a constant reminder of good memories for people.
11. Where are 3 places you would like to visit?
12. How many siblings do you have, and how old are they?
2. Ryan who is 29, and Lindsay who is 26
13. What is your favorite movie?
Twilight and the Goonies.
14. Who is your favorite athlete?
Kaitlin Mckenna, because when I get a dig and she bounces a ball it makes me feel complete!
15. Who is your hero?
My mother; for putting up with me for 21 years and still wanting to spend time with me.
16. Pick one teammate and tell us a funny story...
Its hard to explain but I’ll leave you with this….”shawty doesn’t wanna do anything right now” –corey ryan
17. What is your favorite place you've gone with SLU Volleyball?
We go to the cafĂ© together a lot……that’s always fun
18. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Graduated from
19. What are you looking forward to most this year?
Not looking forward to anything specific…just excited about a lot of possibilities.
20. How do you want people to remember you after you've graduated from Saint Leo?
I’ll be remembered, it’s inevitable. But I haven’t quite figured out how I want to be….
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